Hackney & Islington's Amnesty Group joined forces with other Amnesty groups to celebrate London Pride 2011 and importantly to raise awareness within the UK's fun loving gay community of our fellows around the world who do not enjoy quite the same levels of liberty.
T-shirts were painstakingly stencilled for Amnesty representatives to wear portraying the many countries where homosexuality continues to be illegal with punishments including prison sentences, hard labour and DEATH. The t-shirts representing these countries (Sudan and Iran included) are particularly hard hitting. Sadly, these sentences are often a remnant of old colonial laws (usually 7 or 14 years in prison) which have yet to be overturned and sometimes taken on by new hardline regimes.
As we dance to Kylie and Abba tunes on the truck rumbling through Central London (never had so much attention) the smiles turn to serious applauds as realisation sets in of the message.
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